The Active Citizenship Lab Project - Questionnaire


This research project is being carried out by Weave Consulting Ltd on behalf of SOS Malta in pursuance of the latter’s Active Citizenship Lab Project The overall aim of the project is to empower and equip citizens and civil society, with the necessary skills and tools to push for good governance, the rule of law and respect for human rights and democratic principles.


Dan il-progett ta’ ricerka qieghed jitwettaq minn Weave Consulting Ltd f’isem SOS Malta, bhala parti mill-progett Active Citizenship Lab Project L-ghan ta’ dan il-progett hu li c-cittadini u s-socjeta’ civili jissahhu billi jigi provduti b’ghodda u hiliet li bihom jimbuttaw ghall governanza tajba, is-saltna tad-dritt and r-rispett ghad-drittijet tal-bniedem u l-principji demokratici.

Thanks for your interest in taking our survey. We want to help citizens to be more active in shaping the social and political agenda of our country and that is why we need your opinion. The responses you provide will be anonymous and we will not ask you personal information such as your name or email address. We will securely store the data you share with us until the end of the year , when the research project will end. We respect your trust and protect your privacy , and therefore will never sell or share your data with third parties. By consenting to complete this survey , you agree that we will process the information you share with us in accordance with the law.

Grazzi talli qed tiehu sehem f’dan l-istharrig. Nixtiequ nghinu lic-cittadini sabiex ikun aktar attivi fl-iffurmar ta’ l-agenda politika u socjali f’pajjizna, u ghaldaqstant ghandna bzonn l-opinjoni tieghek.Ir-risposti tieghek ser jibqghu anonimi u m’ahniex ser nitolbuk informazzjoni personali bhall-isem jew l-emajl tieghek. Ser inzommu id-data li taqsam maghna b’mod sigur, sa l-ahhar tas-sena, meta l-progett ta’ ricerka jkun intemm. Ahna nirrispettaw il-fidjucja tieghek u nipprotegu l-privatezza tieghek, u ghaldaqstant m’ahna qatt ser nghaddu d-data tieghek lil terzi. Billi taghti l-kunsens tieghek, tkun qieghed taqbel illi nipprocessaw l-informazzoni li taqsam maghna skond il-ligi.


Gender/ generu




Nationality/ Nazzjonalita'


On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all engaged and 5 is very engaged how engaged are you in the social and political life of Malta?

Fuq skala minn 1 sa 5, fejn 1 ifisser li m’intix , kemm tħossok li int interessat fil-ħajja politika u soċjali f’Malta?


What does being an active citizen mean to you?

Xi jfisser għalik li tkun ċittadin attiv?


What forms does your civic engagement take?

Kif tesprimi l-involviment ċiviku tieghek?

Involvement in political parties/ Involviment ma’ partiti politiku
Membership in community-based organisations or voluntary organisations/
membru ma’ xi organizzazzjoni bbażata fil-komunita’ jew għaqda volontarja
Membership in trade union/ membru ta’ xi trade union
participation in professional or trade associations/ parteċipazzjoni assoċjazzjoni ta’ professjonisti jew għaqdiet tax-xogħol
participation in local council meetings and events/ parteċipazzjoni f’laqgħat u avvenimenti tal-kunsilli lokali
participation in student organisations/ parteċipazzjoni f’għaqdiet studenteski
Participation in government consultation processes / parteċipazzjoni fi proċessi ta’konsultazzjoni tal-gvern
Engagement via social media groups/pages/ impenn fi gruppi jew paġni fil-midja soċjali
Comments in news portals/ kummenti f’portal sta’l-aħbarijiet

Other, please specify/

modi oħra, jekk jogħbok speċifika


Where do you acquire information on current events (main source)?

Minn fejn tikseb informazzjoni dwar ġrajjiet kurrenti (sors ewlieni)?


What is your understanding of human rights?

X’tifħem bi ‘drittijiet tal-bniedem’?


How many voluntary organisations exist in Malta? (provide an estimate)

Kemm hawn għaqdiet volontarji f’Malta ( agħti stima)


Name three Malta-based voluntary organisations that you know/

Semmi tliet għaqdiet voluntarji bbażata f’Malta li taf bihom


Do you think that voluntary organisations and civil society contribute to ameliorating the political and social scenario of the country? (yes/no) Why?

Taħseb li l-għaqdiet volontarji u s-soċjeta’ ċivili jikkontribwixxi sabiex itejbu x-xena politika u soċjali fil-pajjiz? (Iva/Le) Għaliex?


On a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 is not at all and 5 is very much, how much do you trust Maltese institutions(e.g. ministries, governmental agencies, police, courts, local councils)?

Fuq skala minn 1 sa 5, fejn 1 ifisser lanqas xejn u 5 jfisser ħafna, kemm għandek fiduċja fl- istituzzjonijiet Maltin ( ez ministeri, agenziji tal-gvern, pulizija, qrati, kunsilli lokali)?


What would help you and people near you become more engaged in the issues affecting life in your country?

X’taħseb li jista’ jgħin lilek u nies qrib tiegħek sabiex isiru aktar impenjati f’issues li jimpattaw il- ħajja f’pajjiżek?


Would you like t participate in a 1 hour online session ( Focus Group) during which we can discuss this topic in more depth? In that case, please provide your email address below.
Tixtieq tippartecipa f’sessioni onlajn (Focus Group) fejn niddiskutu dan is-suggett daqsxejn aktar fil-fond? Jekk Iva, ipprovdi l-emajl tieghek hawn taht :

Thank you for your contribution!

Grazzi tal-kontribut tiegek!

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