Lets talk LAND USE! RM of PINEY Community Land Use Survey


If you live, work, volunteer or use services in the RM of PINEY, we want to hear from you about land use.


The RM of Piney (outlined in purple below) includes Badger, South Junction, Vassar, Piney, Middlebro, Sprague, St. Labre, Carrick, Wampum, Sandilands and Woodridge

All responses are confidential. Results will be used to update the development plan. A development plan helps guide what, where and how development within the Municipality occurs


Paper copies of this survey are available at the RM office or by emailing Allison at bluestemdevelopment@gmail.com


Completed surveys can be returned to:

The RM of Piney Box 48, Vassar, MB, R0A 2J0 or

to your local Councillor


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