Between the Buns Competition

Thank you for participating in Between the Buns! The goal is to bring business to local restaurants, have fun trying new places, and help to fight childhood hunger. The competition will be from Jan. 1st through 31st.

Voting will be open to the public for the month and the top 5 locations will undergo a judging section to select the winner. 

PLEASE NOTE: You can only vote ONCE! Once you are ready to place your vote, please proceed with the survey to cast your vote.

The top 5 finalists will be announced on January 31st and a final vote by judges will take place soon after.

We encourage each business to build in an extra $1 for their handheld to help cover the cost of the donation. The donation will be collected after the competition and donated to the Hand2Hand program. 

Please email Holli McPherson with any questions at

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